Tuesday 16 April 2013

Bastard moths and rubber floors

Ahem. It's been awhile. Again.

We have moths. Not just a few nibbled jumper type moths but bastard creatures who are munching their way through our wardrobes and delicious 100% wool (expensive) carpet. They are the bane of my life. I can't tell you how many items of clothing have been chucked already and I know there will be more to come. Not to mention that we're going to have to rip up the carpet and start again.

I'm not a huge fan of carpet but in a fourth floor mansion flat it's part of the contract. Literally. But does it have to be? The bastard moths chomping away have me thinking about alternatives.

Rubber because I saw it in this mansion flat in Living Etc http://pinterest.com/pin/112308584427692761/ and I think it's a genius idea. Not quite sure how it would work - poured? tiles? - but I'm intrigued.

And the other idea percolating is cork. Not something I would ever have considered before I saw it on YHL in this post
http://www.younghouselove.com/2012/03/ok-now-you-can-put-a-cork-in-us/ but I think it could be great. It's warm. It's sound insulating. And laid like floor boards it doesn't scream 1970's to me.

I know both these pictures are of kitchens but I think it could work in an open plan living, kitchen, dining area. Don't have one of those yet either but it's all part of my grand plan. Knock down a few walls, put up a couple of new ones, squeeze in a second bathroom and see if we can't just make this smallish flat work for two adults and two children for a few more years. Or many.

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