Tuesday 16 April 2013

Bastard moths and rubber floors

Ahem. It's been awhile. Again.

We have moths. Not just a few nibbled jumper type moths but bastard creatures who are munching their way through our wardrobes and delicious 100% wool (expensive) carpet. They are the bane of my life. I can't tell you how many items of clothing have been chucked already and I know there will be more to come. Not to mention that we're going to have to rip up the carpet and start again.

I'm not a huge fan of carpet but in a fourth floor mansion flat it's part of the contract. Literally. But does it have to be? The bastard moths chomping away have me thinking about alternatives.

Rubber because I saw it in this mansion flat in Living Etc http://pinterest.com/pin/112308584427692761/ and I think it's a genius idea. Not quite sure how it would work - poured? tiles? - but I'm intrigued.

And the other idea percolating is cork. Not something I would ever have considered before I saw it on YHL in this post
http://www.younghouselove.com/2012/03/ok-now-you-can-put-a-cork-in-us/ but I think it could be great. It's warm. It's sound insulating. And laid like floor boards it doesn't scream 1970's to me.

I know both these pictures are of kitchens but I think it could work in an open plan living, kitchen, dining area. Don't have one of those yet either but it's all part of my grand plan. Knock down a few walls, put up a couple of new ones, squeeze in a second bathroom and see if we can't just make this smallish flat work for two adults and two children for a few more years. Or many.

Friday 22 March 2013

Watch this space...

It's been a while.

I chose this blog name years ago. Years. At least 5, probably 7 or 8 and I've never quite gotten around to writing it.

And my life has changed rather a lot since then. Years ago it would have been about beautiful things, gorgeous fabrics and great design. Things I have discovered are pretty impractical with the life I now lead.

Now (hopefully) it will still be about beautiful things and great design but tempered with the realities of having twin toddlers who get into EVERYTHING.

The name came from an Ab Fab quote (not necessarily accurate!) my bestest friend Alex and I used to say all the time "Surfaces, darling, surfaces. It's all about the surfaces." And we both had some lovely surfaces. Pretty things arranged just so. Now, we both have children and pretty things arranged just so isn't quite so easy. Any thing at toddler height has been moved and there isn't really the time or inclination to do anything with the higher up surfaces. And actually, these days the only surface the girls can't reach is the mantlepiece.

Pretty sure that anyone coming to visit our flat now would be surprised I have any interest in interior design. But I'm hoping to change that!

To be honest I'd be happy with everything having a home and the flat being tidy some of the time! Watch this space.....

PS: Have to apologise for the basic blog layout. I'm working on it. Slowly.

Friday 15 February 2013


So, after many false starts I might just start this blog. Posting might consist of surfaces, gorgeous twin toddlers, my many DIY plans (note I said plans and not completed projects! I figure if I actually finished everything I've started I'd be busy until.....?) and random stuff.

No promises for posts with any regularity!